Top 9 Germiest Spots in Your Home That Need Deep Cleaning

Looking to give your house a deep cleaning this summer? Here are some of the germiest hotspots you want to check out.

Kitchen sponge: One of the germiest items in your home is a sponge since they can harbour pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. It is advised to swap out your sponge every week or to sterilise it with bleach solution every day.

Kitchen sink: Another place where germs and bacteria can live is in the kitchen sink, particularly if food scraps are left in the drain. Washing your sink every day with hot water and soap can assist to get rid of bacteria and germs. Professional house cleaning in Gilroy CA also includes cleaning the kitchen sinks and other germiest spots in your home.

Cutting board: Cutting boards can also be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs, especially if they are not cleaned well. Cutting boards for raw meat and vegetables should be used separately, and they should be well-cleaned after each usage.

Toilet bowl: If you are not cleaning your toilet bowl frequently, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. It is advised to use a disinfectant cleaner to clean your toilet bowl at least once a week.

Bathroom sink: Also, the bathroom sink can be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs, predominantly if toothbrushes and other personal objects are left on the countertop. To help get rid of germs and bacteria, clean your bathroom sink every day with soap and hot water.

Shower and bathtub: When not cleaned frequently, the shower and bathtub may become breeding grounds for bacteria and germs. It is advised to use a disinfectant cleaner to clean your shower and bathtub at least once a week.

Computer keyboard and mouse: Your computer keyboard and mouse can potentially retain germs and bacteria if they are not cleaned on a regular basis. Using a disinfectant wipe to clean your computer keyboard and mouse might assist to eradicate germs and bacteria.

Doorknobs and light switches: Since they are regularly touched, doorknobs and light switches serve as a haven for bacteria and germs in your home. Regularly wiping down your doorknobs and light switches with a disinfectant wipe can assist to get rid of bacteria and germs.

Bed sheets and pillowcases: Your pillowcases and bed linens may also be a source of bacteria and germs, particularly if they are not washed frequently. To get rid of bacteria and germs, wash your pillowcases and bed linens at least once a week.

Don’t have the time to do all these cleaning works? Schedule professional House Cleaning Services in Gilroy CA today!

Cleaning Hacks for Pet Owners: Keeping Your Home Fresh and Fur-Free

Pets bring joy and companionship to our lives, but they also come with their fair share of messes and shedding. As a pet owner, it can be challenging to keep your home clean and fresh while managing the constant battle against pet hair and odors. Besides scheduling professional house cleaning in Morgan Hill at regular intervals, there are some valuable cleaning hacks specifically tailored for pet owners, helping them maintain a fur-free and fresh environment for both you and your furry friend.

Grooming Routine:

Regular grooming is key to minimizing pet hair in your home. Establish a consistent grooming routine for your pet, including brushing sessions to remove loose fur. Invest in a high-quality pet brush that is suitable for your pet’s coat type. Regular grooming not only helps reduce shedding but also keeps your pet’s coat healthy and clean.

Vacuum with Purpose:

Invest in a powerful vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair removal. Opt for a model with specialized attachments and strong suction to effectively capture and remove pet hair from carpets, upholstery, and hard-to-reach areas. Regularly vacuum all pet-accessible areas of your home to prevent hair buildup.

Lint Rollers and Sticky Tape:

Lint rollers and sticky tape are fantastic tools for quickly removing pet hair from clothing, furniture, and bedding. Keep a lint roller handy in multiple rooms and use it as needed to pick up loose pet hair. Similarly, wrap sticky tape around your hand, sticky side out, and lightly press it on fabric surfaces to grab pet hair effectively.

Odor Control:

To combat pet odors, start with proper ventilation. Open windows when weather permits and use air purifiers with activated carbon filters to help neutralize pet smells. Regularly clean your pet’s bedding, washable toys, and any other fabric items they frequently come in contact with.

Paw Cleaning Station:

Place a small rug or microfiber mat near the entrance or your pet’s favorite resting spot to create a paw-cleaning station. Teach your pet to pause on the mat, allowing you to wipe their paws before they enter the house. This simple step can significantly reduce dirt, debris, and outdoor allergens from being tracked into your home.

Stain and Odor Removal:

Accidents happen, so be prepared to handle pet stains promptly. Blot any liquid accidents with a clean cloth or paper towel, and then treat the area with an enzyme-based pet stain remover.

Looking for professional House Cleaning Services near Morgan Hill? Schedule your consultation today with Terra Cleaning.

Do You Know Where Germs Are Hiding in Your Workplace

Did you know that the average office worker’s hands come in contact with ten million bacteria per day? Typical areas in the office are the most likely areas where workers pass on bacteria. It’s easy to miss cleaning all your office surfaces that veil cold & flu viruses.

Printers & photocopiers:

Often unnoticed, these devices with manifold switches and drawers are used and touched by several workers all through the day. Handles, buttons, and display boards must be wiped every day.

Coffee maker:

If your office is staffed with so many java-lovers, the coffee maker handle undergoes a lot of contacts all through the day. This vital appliance requires many wipe downs all through the day to help decrease the transmission of bacteria from one employee to another.

Office kitchen refrigerators:

Any place people go to find food lures a lot of hands. Buttons and handles of refrigerators must be cleaned every day.

Door handles & keypads:

When it comes to germs from door handles, we generally think about the door handle in the bathroom. All door handles, encompassing those with keypads or fingerprint scanners receive as much contact and traffic as the bathroom. Don’t ignore the handles of conference rooms and storage cupboards.

Conference rooms:

Conference rooms see a lot of people coming in and out all through the day. While all your focus might be on keeping the carpets and windows looking clean, people come in contact with many surfaces that can transfer germs. Phones, tables, chairs, shared keyboards, conferencing equipment, and even the remote control meant for presentations are breeding grounds for bacteria.

Windows & blinds: Talk to your office cleaning company to ensure they also address the sills, blinds, and other enclosing areas.

Stairways & hallways:

Many people, including delivery personnel and visitors, pass through these areas using the door handles and handrails. Dust can also pile up here. Keep these areas dusted, and sanitize any handles and handrails on a regular basis.

If this sounds like a lot to cover by yourself, then professional Office Cleaning in Morgan Hill is what you need. Contact Terra Clean now if you want a safe, healthy, and immaculately clean workplace.

What Is Green House Cleaning

To reduce the negative effects of cleaning on the environment and public health, green house cleaning employs sustainable and ecologically friendly cleaning supplies and techniques. The goal of greenhouse cleaning in Morgan Hill is to clean effectively while reducing the use of harsh chemicals and promoting healthier indoor air quality.

Often, natural, non-toxic components like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils are used to make green cleaning products. They are biodegradable, which means they degrade naturally without harming the environment.

Green cleaning methods involve reducing waste, conserving water and energy, and using cleaning techniques that are gentle on surfaces and reduce the need for harsh chemicals. For example, instead of using a chemical-based all-purpose cleaner, a green cleaner may use a solution of water and vinegar to clean surfaces. They may also use microfiber cloths, which are reusable and effective at trapping dust and dirt without the use of harsh chemicals.

Green cleaning is beneficial for both the environment and human health. It reduces the amount of pollutants and toxins released into the air and water and can help prevent respiratory problems and allergic reactions caused by harsh chemicals. Also, green cleaning can save money because natural cleaning supplies are less expensive than those made with chemicals.

Overall, greenhouse cleaning in Morgan Hill is a sustainable and effective approach to keeping your home clean and healthy while protecting the environment.

How To Choose A Green House Cleaning Service?

Know about their company: Choose a cleaning company that specialises in eco-friendly cleaning and has knowledge of employing eco-friendly cleaning supplies and techniques. To learn more about a company’s reputation, look at its website and online reviews.

Ask about their cleaning products: A green cleaning service should be able to tell you which eco-friendly cleaning products they use, and provide you with a list of ingredients. Look for products that are plant-based, biodegradable, and free of harsh chemicals.

Inquire about their cleaning methods: Green cleaning services should use methods that reduce waste, conserve water and energy, and minimize the use of harsh chemicals. Ask how they clean different surfaces in your home and if they use any specialized equipment or techniques.

Ask about their training and experience: Look for a cleaning service that trains their employees in green cleaning techniques and has experience in using eco-friendly products. Ask them about their hiring procedure and whether they run background checks on their employees.

Get in touch with Terra Cleaning if you are looking for a green house cleaning service. We offer the best house cleaning in Morgan Hill and the adjacent areas.

Office Equipment That Deserves Proper Cleaning Attention

We’ve discovered through time that office cleaning in Morgan Hill is all about the little things, the tiny things that make our clients happy. Because we frequently have our attention focused on things like computer displays, office phones, whiteboards, and other office supplies that we use every day, they need a thorough cleaning. Here are some of the office equipment that needs deep cleaning:

Computer mouse:

Cleaning your computer mouse is not only hygienic, but it can also help it function better and last longer. Computer mice are always in your hand but rarely cleaned. Over time, dirt, dust, and body oils may find their way into the buttons and prevent them from working. Your mouse may cease working for a variety of reasons, including a clogged sensor and uneven feet.

Computer keyboard:

If you’ve ever eaten at your work desk, we can almost certainly find food in the cracks of your keyboard. In addition to being disgusting, it can eventually prevent the keys from working properly.

Computer screen:

When a coworker approaches your workstation, they always insist on touching your screen, leaving their fingerprints there. Since you’ll probably be staring at your computer screen all day, cleaning it will make it much more pleasant to look at.

Office phones:

The dirtiest place in the office is the phones, which are bacterial hotspots. To ensure your office phones are well-cleaned, use the same methods you would use to clean a mouse and keyboard.

Office desk:

Now that you’ve cleaned everything on top of your office desk, you can give it a thorough cleaning by spraying a little anti-bacterial liquid on it and then wiping it down with a damp cloth.

Office chairs:

Office chairs come in a variety of materials, including plastic, cloth, mesh, and leather. Therefore, learning how to clean office chairs may appear quite difficult.

Cleaning plastic office chairs is straightforward; use an antibacterial spray and a washing cloth to give them a thorough cleaning. If there are any chrome metal pieces, a tiny dab of WD-40 on a rag will brightly polish the metal.

Leather is more durable than other materials and can be gently cleaned with a cloth. Mesh office chairs may be vacuumed and cleaned.

Professional Office Cleaning in Morgan Hill is not far from you. Just call Terra Cleaning and schedule your appointment.

How Mental Health Can Be Improved By Hiring Professional House Cleaning

Do you find yourself drained from the infinite cycle of keeping your home clean? Are you flabbergasted by the mess and have no idea where to begin? How prepared you are to throw in the towel and resolve yourself to a life of mess?

There’s nothing easy about keeping your house clean and well-organized. But, the upshot of overlooking your household chores can be significantly injurious to your mental well-being.

A clean home is no doubt a happy home, but achieving that can be a big challenge. Luckily, professional cleaning firms such as Terra Cleaning are devoted to easing out this source of the mundane so that you enjoy your home environment to the fullest.

Clean homes can boost mental well-being:

Having excessive mess around your house can drain your brain, trigger anxiety, make you are feeling irritated, and eliminate the precious energy and time you might be spending with your family and kids.

When you add the stress, worry, and brain-draining impacts of mess and clutter, you are going to experience an unconstructive impact on your mood. It becomes tough to unwind in your own house. On the other hand, a clean house can help decrease tension, anxiety, and even depression.

Here’re a few other ways in which a clutter-free house can boost your mental well-being:

·         Improved output: When you find your house already spick and span, that is one less thing to worry about, freeing up your time and mental ability to concentrate on other jobs.

·         Enhanced relationships: One-side divisions in domestic responsibility can create anger and irritation in a relationship. A clean house decreases the possibilities for these sorts of arguments and gives families and couples more spare time to spend together.

·         Better eating habits: Less time cleaning means more time to plan & prepare healthy, home-prepared meals is contrary to frequently indulging in processed foods available in the market.

·         Better sleep: When your overall stress & anxiety level are reduced, you will be awarded a better and more relaxing sleep. This in result will make you happier & healthier overall.

So, the physical and mental health benefits of having a clean house is pretty clear. Luckily, you can take the stress of cleaning off your plate by considering professional house cleaning in San Martin from Terra Cleaning. Our trained cleaners are devoted to offering you the highest quality of cleaning so that you can concentrate on more essential priorities in your life. To schedule your professional house cleaning in San Martin, feel free to call us on 408.779.4368!

6 Natural Techniques To Eliminate Unpleasant Odours From Your Home

Even if your house is almost spotless, coping with an unpleasant odour that detracts from the atmosphere can be depressing. Commercial air fresheners are not the ideal option to get rid of strong odours. Don’t worry! To get rid of unwanted odours in your home in a natural way, try these six strategies.

Open the windows:

You may need to direct some odours to leave if they linger too long. In many cases, the odour issue is not severe, and it’s possible that your home has poor airflow. Therefore, the next time you smell something strange, see if you need to open a window.

Sprinkle baking soda:

It might be difficult to get unpleasant odours out of clothes. Fortunately, baking soda may remove odours from these surfaces without leaving behind any stains. You can ensure clean surfaces by sprinkling baking soda over carpets, linens, or bedding and vacuuming it after a few minutes.

Re-use leftover coffee grinds:

The bathroom gets first priority while deodorising. Coffee is a good choice if you want to enjoy an invigorating aroma. Keep the coffee grinds in an open container and place it in your bathroom rather than throwing them away right away after making a cup of coffee.

Make use of white vinegar’s acidic properties:

White vinegar’s acidity reduces the smell of particles, making it a great odour eliminator. If you wish to use this agent, put some white vinegar in a pot and simmer it for a few minutes to get rid of any odours in the kitchen and neighbouring rooms.

Additionally, to clean up pet urine, combine equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and mist the puddle with it. However, you should spot-test first because vinegar doesn’t work well on all surfaces.

Use lemon in your garbage disposal:

One of the worst smells you may smell is from a rotten plumbing system, and the garbage disposal stinks the worst. The main problem here is food residue under the blades. Fortunately, lemon has a powerful ability to neutralise unpleasant odours and leave a calming citrus perfume behind.

Squeeze a lemon over the garbage disposal after adding a few cubes of ice to the mixture. Let the lemon juice run under the blades as you shred the ice. Enjoy the lemony aroma!

Odors can also be avoided with regular cleaning:

The majority of odours can be eliminated if you routinely clean your home, but it will take some time. Don’t be hesitant to employ Terra Cleaning when you need professional house cleaning in Gilroy CA. Schedule your appointment today! 

Why Pro House Cleaning Service Can Make A Big Difference

Finding the perfect house cleaner can be an intimidating task. But hiring professional house cleaning in San Martin means you’re hiring a crew of experts who’ve all been trained on the best practices for cleaning & safety. They know how to get your house looking it’s very best. Let’s have a look at how a professional house cleaner can make a huge difference.

They know the difference between clean & hygienic:

Cleaning is the idea of getting rid of unnecessary matter from your house. It means there is no clutter, and the whole thing is in its right space. However, making a space hygienic is the concept of sanitizing your house to get rid of viruses and germs. And during cold & flu seasons, this can make an immense difference for your household.

When you schedule professional house cleaning in San Martin from Terra Cleaning, you can rest assured that our cleaners are trained in the best techniques to clean your house & prevent the spread of illness. Also, this means you’re working to keep your household healthier, even during the flu season. They know which products to use & how to eliminate annoying viruses and bacteria.

They know how to prevent mishaps:

Pro cleaning firm trains their personnel on the right techniques to prevent injury or damage to your property when they clean your house. This entails they learn to avoid slips & falls, how to prevent chemical spills and chemical injuries, and how to safeguard themselves and their clients from respiratory problems. At Terra Clean, we do everything to avoid unwanted incidents while cleaning your house. We are also fully bonded & insured, which means you’d never be accountable in the event of one of our staff getting injured, and you’d never be accountable for any damage that occurs.

They undergo meticulous training:

This is yet another reason why you should appoint professional cleaners for your house cleaning in San Martin. Here at Terra Clean, we have learned all the best techniques to not just clean efficiently, but safely. We’ve specialized tricks and tools to clean your house in record time. Our trained cleaners know how to use strong cleaning agents without damaging your house.

Not sure how to get started? First, request a free estimate, and let us manage the rest. We will get back to you as soon as possible with a quote, and then you are one step closer to an expertly cleaned house. Get in touch with us today to let our professional cleaners take over from here!

What Are the Best House Cleaning Tips For Busy Parents

Does having a filthy home make you stressed? Do you feel like all you spend your day doing is rounding up toys & sweeping up scraps while a procession of mess-makers follows on your tail? With these below listed tips busy parents can be well on their way to relishing an immaculate cleaning experience with little or no stress.

Clean as you go:

The best cleaning tips every busy parent can follow is to continuously clean. For instance:

·         Discard garbage when you are taking a walk or going out with your children.

·         Clearing the kitchen tops & arranging shelves while making dinner.

·         Cleaning the bathroom counter when you are brushing your teeth

·         When you are picking out your outfit, hang clean clothes up, or put shoes away.

By occupying yourself in small cleaning practices, you can surely make an overall impact on the hygiene of your house in the long run.

Get the entire family involved:

If your children are old enough, take 15 minutes as a family to clean the home together. That entails a household of 4 can add about 60 minutes of cleaning every night, perhaps prior to going to bed. Assign age-appropriate tasks to your children. A 6-year child can wipe the kitchen surfaces, whereas an 8-year kid can aid with sweeping the kitchen floor.

Focus on one room at a time:

This is in fact the best cleaning tip for busy parents who don’t wish to leave the cleaning till the weekend or leave their house looking mess up with dirt at every angle. The best way to make sure this is to clean one room at a time. For instance, if there’re seven different areas of your home, assign one to each day of the week. By doing so, you can clean the area from top to bottom and ensure you have not overlooked anything.

Hire professional house cleaning in San Martin:

The significance of appointing a pro cleaning unit for your house cleaning can’t be overlooked, because we comprehend that once in a while, you might be tired from the week’s activities and just wish to rest.

At Terra Cleaning, we’re well-known for our top-class professional cleaners who can clean each corner of your house giving it the spark it deserves. You don’t have to break your bank for your house cleaning in San Martin as our services are affordable. From general house cleaning, deep house cleaning, floor cleaning to move in, or move out services – we’ve got you covered.

3 Motivational Reasons to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy

While having a clean home is an everyday goal for most of us, the fact is that it takes work & discipline to make it happen. If you are looking for some motivation to keep your house clean and well organized, we have got you covered. Listed below are 3 motivational reasons to make house cleaning in Gilroy CA a habit:

Output increases in a clean & organized home:

If you work from home you know how tough it’s to concentrate when you feel that there’s muddle everywhere. Not just you are blaming yourself for it and thus not completely focused, but often critical documents get misplaced in the chaos and you spend hours looking for it.

It is the same principle that rules a chef’s kitchen, they require a clean & organized space prior to they begin to cook.

Tidying up can calm your mind:

The negative energy of dirt, mess, and chaos can pollute your life in several ways. It entices more mess & misapprehensions, it is just negative energy filling the space in which you dwell.

On the contrary, peace and calmness will flow throughout your home when every time your pantry things don’t fall out when you can easily get what you are searching for and when you can sit to unwind at the end of the day in a neat and clean living room.

Positive energy will always be flowing in your home:

This is perhaps the best reason to keep your home clean & organized. If you follow Feng Shui you know how much good energy you can create in your home with your design. There’re several easy-to-do Feng Shui tips that’ll aid your house to become a happy and healthy place. A clean home, free of mess won’t have stationary energy snooping in the household life, and vibes of wealth, prosperity, and abundance will be always present.

Decluttering has turned out to be a habit that numerous households are now embracing and the advantages are plenty: from valuing what you own & being attentive to what you actually require, to opening mental space, decluttering a home makes life easier & better. Contact Terra Cleaning now if you are looking for one of the Best House Cleaning Services near Gilroy. We would love to lend you a helping hand in order to make your house a clean and well-organized space. Call us now for professional standard house cleaning in Gilroy.